Chapter 1

Part One: Echoes of a Voice

Chapter 1: Putting the World to Rights

We all have a sense of justice, but we can’t seem to be just completely as societies and even as individuals. Why is that?

The Cry for Justice. We see evidences of huge injustice in the world, and we wonder why. Does it have to be like this? And, even if we try, we sometimes can’t act justly ourselves.

A Voice, or a Dream? Three ways of reacting to this sense of justice.

  1. It is only a dream and we just have to live with it.
  2. It is a dream of another world where everything is just, and we will get there some day.
  3. It is a voice speaking to us by someone who made the world and cares very strongly about justice. (The Jewish, Christian, and Islam belief).

Tears and Laughter. Sometimes we laugh because the world is so absurd and comical. Sometimes we cry because the world is so tragic. Jesus both laughed and cried as well.

Christians and Justice. Skeptics will say that Christians are part of the problem. And they have been at times. But, Jesus didn’t expect us to be perfect—think of the prayer “forgive us our sins”. And they have been part of the solution.

© Charles Eklund 2012