Chapters 2-4

Chapter 2: The Hidden Spring

Spirituality has been paved over in the world, especially the west, for many years. But, it is there, and bursting forth again.

Thirsty for Spirituality.  Spirituality and the thirst for it are the second of the echoes of a voice that is trying to speak to us. It shows up in many diverse ways from the wacko to the sublime.

What Makes Us So Thirsty? The Christian explanation is simple. God exists and he wants us to know him through Jesus. Still they skeptics have alternative secular explanations, and they are impossible to refute, especially to a confirmed skeptic.

Spirituality and Truth.

Chapter 3: Made for Each Other

We know we are made for each other. But, making relationships work is remarkably difficult.

The Puzzle of Relationships. It seems that humans were not designed to be alone. Rather they take meaning from community on varying scales. But, we don’t do them well. Marriages fail. Even large institutions can be dysfunctional.

Confusion about Sex. We don’t have a good way to deal with our sexual identities. Both assuming there is no difference and its opposite assuming every member of the opposite sex is a potential sexual partner are a form of denial.

Death and the Call to Genuine Humanness. No matter what, even the finest relationships end. That is the reality of death, the result of our rebellion. We are created in God’s image and God has multiple relationships.

Chapter 4: For the Beauty of the Earth

The world is full of beauty, but the beauty is incomplete. Beauty is another voice calling us.

The Transience of Beauty. Beauty is no permanent, nor is it well define. Rather it fades, and what is considered beautiful changes with culture, time, and perspective.

Beauty and God. Christians believe that the created world really is the good creation of a good God. And God completes what he begins; he will come to the rescue of those who are lost and enslaved.

The Glorious Complexity of Life. We live in a complex world and are complex beings. There is no reason to expect that God will not be even more complex than we are.

© Charles Eklund 2012